Thanks Nguyên Phương for the backend, database and RAG. Thanks Vũ Minh Thư for beautiful design and hardwork. Thanks Ngọc Vũ for the Recommendation System. Source code at:


  • Team size: 6.
  • I were lead front-end and project manager.
  • My team chose to use NextJS for frontend, FastAPI for backend, MongoDB and Firebase for Database.
  • We also have RAG chatbot (using Langchain) and Recommendation System for Books.
  • Some notable features: Role-based Authencitation, user can review book, has admin dashboard to manage user, book. Also has dashboard for library side, so they can add, modify or delete a book.
  • Data are crawled from Goodreads.
  • You can find all source code on the link above.


Demo Sign In feature
Demo Sign Up feature
Demo change user avatar and add library
Demo Review feature
Demo Recommended System feature
Demo Search feature
Demo Multi-filter feature
User Homepage
User Homepage
All books page
All books page
Filter Page
Filter Page
Book's page
Book's page
Profile page
Profile page
Member page
Member page
Admin account management
Admin account management
Admin create account
Admin create account
Admin book management
Admin book management